“To ensure the demand of mass section of the society, Sujyoti Language School has innovated the easiest and the most affordable way to acquire this language. ”
Our Vision and Mission
Sujyoti Language school is an institute of English Language and Communication which offers a unique methodical course on learning English Language for the people of all ages and professions. The course it offers is called ELC(English Language and Communication). As we believe that Communication power is like a machine where Language is fuel, we emphasize on communication as well as English Language equally. Sujyoti started its journey in February,2009 and since then it has successfully trained about 10,000+ learners of different ages till July,2022.It has achieved a mass popularity for its NRP(Natural Reception Power) based teaching method which is similar to learning mother tongue. According to the language specialists, there are two ways of learning any second language. One is implicit way which is similar to learning mother tongue and the latter is explicit way which is similar to general learning process. The former can be achieved without any type of stress and the learner can be able to acquire it subconsciously through the environment. We make an artificial environment and use the imagination and visualization power of the learner to acquire it. On the other hand, the latter which is called explicit way is so much familiar to the learners. We use all the techniques of modern methods to enhance the capability of a learner. We provide the full training on IELTS speaking module with ELC course so that a learner can be able to adapt with the speaking test of IELTS which maintains the international standard of English language Proficiency test. The most unique thing what should be noted here is SAS concept which can make a pre-beginner to be able to speak in English with grammatical accuracy. In a nutshell, We walk the path with innovation which has been made with the experience of understanding the need of thousands of English learners.
Since English Language and communication has been deemed as a catalyst to make a greater reach in professional arena, Sujyoti Language School is aiming to impart this skill into the mass population of the country.
We make a common question to the learners whether they want to learn English or acquire it. As an example to ease the idea is like acquiring mother tongue or learning graduation. You must forget your graduation in 2-3 year time but you will never forget your mother tongue even in absence of 10-15 years. The verdict must convince you to acquire English as you need it for lifetime where once you get the certificate of graduation, you have no valid responsibility over the knowledge of graduation.
During the course of ELC(English Language and Communication) we make the learners adapt some habit to use English in their practical life so that they can use English habitually even after finishing the course. Moreover, we have discovered the method to acquire English which can be learnt from our free demo class.

Best offer
Language is not a matter of acquiring a single skill only rather it is an integration of 4 skills. We present this integration of language in a logical approach named free demo class. Once you join there, you must experience the secret of acquiring this precious language.
Hope that you won’t miss this opportunity.
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